Order from Kyobo Bookstore
We recommend using translation of your browser. (ex. Chrome)
But if it looks Korean, please refer to the image below.
ブラウザの翻訳を使用することをお勧めします。(ex. Chrome)
Non-members can log in with their email address and password.
Overseas card payment seems to be only available on the web.
(Cell phone uncertain)
Enter the orderer information. You can check your order through email and password.
* Mobile phone number (Please enter without "-")
And please choose overseas delivery at the bottom.
* 携帯電話番号(「-」を付けずに入力してください)
Please select overseas shipping and write down the information in English. A ZIP code is essential.
海外配送を選択して、情報を英語で書いてください。 ZIPコードは必ず必要です。
You can use an international credit card. (VISA, MASTER,JCB)
However, it may not be selected on mobile, so I recommend using the web page.
海外発行のクレジットカードがご利用いただけます。 (VISA, MASTER,JCB)
Go to Kyobo Bookstore
Order from Aladdin
We recommend using translation of your browser. (ex. Chrome)
But if it looks Korean, please refer to the image below.
ブラウザの翻訳を使用することをお勧めします。(ex. Chrome)
You can place an order without signing up for membership.
Non-members can log in with their email address and password
Please select the overseas delivery button and enter the delivery address.
* Recipients and addresses must be written in English.
* If you live in the United States and Canada, please make sure to fill out the state.
* Enter a full name that contains the recipient's middle name. If not, the delivery company may not be able to request and deliver your ID.
* 受取人と住所は英語で作成しなければなりません。
* アメリカとカナダにお住まいの方は、ぜひstateをお願いします。
* 受領人のMiddle nameを含むFull nameを入力します。 記載がない場合、配送会社からの身分証明書の要求及び配送不可となることがあります。
You can use credit card, Apple Pay, PayPal, etc. as payment methods.
This is an information page regarding Aladdin's overseas order.
(Recommended to use a translator)
You can know the shipping cost and the shipping company. DHL, UPS, EMS are available.
配送業者と送料についてご案内しています。 DHL、UPS、EMSを使用することができます
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